Meet the newest addition to my stable - a single-speed Specialized Langster "London." It is a truly ridiculous bike, from the red-rimmed wheels to the white-painted chain, but I think it will be pretty fun to ride. It has a flip-flop rear hub, so I can run it as either a fixed-gear or freewheel, depending on how much work I feel like doing.
A local newspaper held an eBay auction to benefit a local charity called Sisters of the Road, which provides services to Portland's homeless population. The Langster was one of the auction items, and because I had been contemplating getting a fixie for lunchtime rides in flat, flat Salem, I decided to bid on it.
I did not bid very high, because I don't really NEED another bike, but I still managed to win the auction. I had the option of paying a little more than my bid to get the "London" ediiton, and it made me laugh so much when I saw it that I just had to go for it.

A fixie! Another cyclist has been assimilated!
Does it have a separate brake, or are you one of those outlaw lawyers? ;-)
Enjoy that bike!
oops......... just went back and looked at the photo again. I see a brake .........on the REAR wheel.
Resistance was futile.
There's a front brake as well as the rear brake, for maximum stopping power. And having just gone on my first ever fixed-gear ride, I can safely say that I NEED those brakes :-)
that's a pretty flashy bike there. I remember to take you (and it) along the next time I go to London.
Welcome to the club of single speed/fixie riders! You will love it. My buddy EnglishJames bought one as well and he really digs that bike. But, after all, is from the UK. Have fun and enjoy the ride.
v/r Mozam, from BikeJournal.
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