Saturday, March 01, 2008

2.5 times my weight in food

Usually, my obsession with exercise benefits no one but myself (and I have family members who question whether I benefit from it). This past month, however, I was able to put my obsession to good use. From February 1 through 29, Department of Justice participated in the Governor's Food Drive to benefit the Oregon Food Bank. There were many ways we could contribute, and one way was the "Fitness Challenge." The Challenge originally started as a walking fund-raiser; folks would pledge to give a certain amount for every mile walked by Challenge participants. It was later expanded to include running and swimming (each mile run or swum would equal a mile walked), and cycling (with each mile biked equaling .4 of a mile walked - complex calculations were employed to come up with that ratio). The only catch was that it had to be done before or after work, or during breaks. Anyway, because I walk just over 3 miles every day to and from my commuter bus, and because I either swim, run or ride most lunchtimes, I figured I could probably get some miles in and raise some money for the food bank.

By February 29, I had racked up 104 miles. Again using complex calculations based on the pledges made, and the amount of food those pledges would buy, my contribution equaled 326 pounds of food - or 2.5 times my body weight.

It's a good feeling.

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